Title:Government & Civil Services, Union Public Service Commission
Category:Business: Employment
Description:Govt.Foundation, is an initiative to help, and encourage Indian graduates to appear for Indian Civil Service Examination (ICSE). We aim to provide wide influx information of information, study material, guidance and support to aspirants and assist them prepare for IAS, IFS, IPS, IRAS, IRPS, IRTS, CBEC, IOFS, IP & TOFS, IPoS, ICLS, IDAS, IDES, ICAS, AFHQCS, IIS, RPF, ITS, DANICS, DANIPS, IAAS etc.
Meta Keywords:Public Service, MPSC, UPSC
Meta Description:Archives of GK, Current Affairs, General studies, Mathematics etc. Talk to successful UPSC aspirants and get valuable information, study material, and guidance from fellow aspirants. Get in touch with world's only UPSC online community forum
Link Owner:Samrat Duggal