Title:Elixir-India Industrial Markers | Specialty Lubricants | Hose Clamps
Category:Business: Industry
Description:Elixir-India is your true sourcing partner from around the world. Our expertise in supply chain management. We are Leading manufacturer of Engineering Adhesives, Sealants, Adhesive Pre-Coating, Lint Free Engineered Wipes, Industrial Markers, Specialty Lubricants, Clean Room Consumables,Hose Clamps,Dispensers,Equipments
Meta Keywords:Adhesive Surface Preparation, Instant Adhesive, Loxeal, White On, Vibra-Stop, Cool-Gel, Loxeal CR, Industrial Markers, Specialty Lubricants, Hose Clamps
Meta Description:Elixir India is comprehensive engineering Products distribution company. Our product is Engineering Adhesives &Sealants, Adhesive Pre-Coating &Industrial Markers.
Link Owner:elixirindia